Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Call To Intercession

      2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked way, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

     Most recently God has laid before me the opportunity and privilege to pray for each state in our nation. I`m sure that you will agree, as Christians we need to call out to God on one another`s behalf. 
He has also given me a strategy......I`m to pray for each state in the order that they joined the Union.   I`m to pray sporadically throughout each day for 7 days per state.  I believe that prayers may be prompted by God as needed.  Or perhaps, as I`ve already heard, they may be as simple as merely staying out loud the name of the state followed by Jesus.  He has assured me that He knows their needs.  Matthew 6:8......for your Father knows what you need before you ask.

      I`m to begin praying for the state of Delaware on Sunday December first. I found it interesting  that Delaware joined the Union on December 7, 1787.  Upon that anniversary I will have prayed for one week.  I`m  expecting and anticipating an exciting and interesting year.

     If you are interested and would like to joining me, just pray!  I will post on Facebook weekly the states in order of prayer.  Please invite family and friend to join.  

     Matthew 18:20 For where 2 or 3 gather together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.  
Father God thank you for the call to prayer.  I know that your daily steadfast love and mercy will cause this prayer movement to bloom and flood the gates of heaven on behalf of the United States of America.  We are one nation under your power and authority, in the NAME OF JESUS


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Come Back For Thy Neighbor

The Greatest Commandment:  Matthew 22:37-39  He said to them, "You should love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment.  And a second is like it: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

It`s been a while since I written but this very true story deserves to be shared. Thank you, JESUS!
Growing up in the early sixties was very different from neighborhoods today.  In our rural community neighbors could live miles apart but you know most of them personally.   I`m embarrassed to admit that I don`t even know the neighbors that live on our own street.  Of course I wave at a familiar vehicle but that the extent of my hospitality.  Shame on me!

Back to Bunker Hill Road in the 60`s.  My family consisted of 5 siblings, 2 girls and 3 boys, up the road about a country miles lived the Foley family, transplants from New York.  It was great when the Foley`s bought a farm and moved in.  They had 3 girls and 4 boys, finally kids in the neighborhood.  Years later the Boulden family joined our close knit circle of friends with 1 girl and three boys.

Through out the years the bonds of friendship strengthened as we all supported one another through life`s ups and downs.  Of course the mothers of the clans also  developed lifelong friendship.  My mother, Mabel and Mary mother of the Foley family where like sister, the sisters that Mary had left behind in New York. Betty came into the picture when the Boulden family brought the old farm house when the Foley`s built a new and bigger house.  Mabel, Mary, Betty the moms and all the kids; Ernie, Linda, Robin, Joyce Danny, Mariann, Jackie, Ginger, Richard, Billy, Donald, Betsy, Diane, Artie, Andy and Alan the neighborhood folks. Chappy, John and Art the hardworking men of the families.

My mom, Mabel passed 14 years ago, Mary died about 4 years ago and Betty passed just weeks ago.   By coincidence I ran into Diane shortly after her mother`s funeral.  She came home from Texas to be at her mother`s side before her passing.  She was very anxious to share with me what had happened, as she sat beside her mother`s death bed.  Tearfully, she told me that her mother was in and out of consciousness before she finally went home to be with the LORD.   Diane said, I`m so glad I ran into you, I want you to know your mother is okay!  Puzzled, I listen, she said that as her mom came in and out of consciousness for hours she called out the names Mary, Mabel, Mary, Mabel don`t leave, don`t leave!  Linda, your mom and Mary came to mom.  By this time I was sobbing and hugging Diane in a gigantic bear hug.  WOW GOD!   What a blessing to run into Diane before she left for Texas and what comfort to know that my mom and Mary are on the Welcome to Heaven Team.   As I sit here writing this I have a smile from ear to ear, wonder what Betty thinks of Heaven??  HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, MOM, MARY AND BETTY, miss you! AMEN 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Please Pray For Me! Day 410

Philippians 4:6  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  Romans 8:1  Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

How is it still possible that after years of spiritual growth and healing, that Satan can still cripple me emotionally?  Genesis 3:13  Then the LORD God said to the women, "What is this you have done"?  The women said, "The serpent deceived me.........no doubt in my mind!   Satan is well aware of my weaknesses and knows just how and when to throw the first punch.  He`s doesn`t play fair, he lays and waits for the perfect opportunity to attack.  What a jerk!

Thursday I battled Satan all day, however because of my relationship with Jesus, I am prepared for combat.  As I have shared many times, my roots of family dysfunction often surface, allowing Satan to throw the one two punch right to my gut.   Through out the day, several times down for the count, my defense was prayer.

So what started this scrimmage?  What I considered to be an act of love and concern on behalf of my sister, turned into an invitation for Satan`s attack.   My sister is struggling with some health issues, so I asked my facebook friends to please pray for her.   As God gently reminded me, my sister and I  just think differently.  "We have not because, we ask not."    Joyce was offended that I had violated her privacy by posting a prayer request on facebook.  She scowled me, "I don`t want everyone to know my business."  I apologized,  immediately Satan proceeded with his deception......Linda how could you have been so stupid?  You`ve just demolished the progress that your God has made in your relationship with your sister, thanks for helping me!  I believed his lies, I felt terrible!

Immediately, I was overwhelmed with guilt and shame, uncontrollable tears flowed!  I tried in vain to extinguish the flow.  However, it required a call for reinforcements, I needed prayer and I needed it fast!  I called one of my spiritual sisters, Pat Turner.  I could hardly talk, between deep breaths and intense sobbing, I relayed to Pat that I needed her to pray for me.  I was definitely overpowered by ugly-face tears!   Pat graciously granted my request.   Soon, with Pat`s prayers, love and compassion the water works subsided.

Now off to my job for Market Place Chaplain, I had people to visit and pray with and for. Without Pat`s prayers this task may have been impossible, Satan had pumped my head and heart full of his lies.   How can you pray for anyone, you just messed up your relationship with your own sister?   You`re so dumb, how do you have the confidence to pray for anyone?  Thank you God, for my friend Pat and your faithfulness.  Psalms 9:1-2  I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart;  I will tell of all your wonders.  I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O most high. 

After only three hours of ministering to employees, I found myself drained.   How do pastor do this? God is this some kind of test, are you sure I can do this job?   Oops, did I just open the door of self-doubt?  Oh no, not you again Satan.  I`m tired and drained, leave me alone.  Father God, what`s going on?

Hours later, while praying with my friend Anita, I  was brought to tears again.  However, these tears where different. Not tears of condemnations but tears of desire and need.  The requirement to be nurtured and replenished.  As Anita and I prayed, I knew that I just needed a hug!  No problem, she said! Psalms 34:8  Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who take refuge in him.

Together, at the Generation Station an after school program for middle school student, we listened to a presentation by a policeman about addiction.  As officer Groce made his presentation, my memory was flooded with accounts of my own alcohol addiction and the addiction issues that have destroyed my own family   Office Groce, works at the local school with the Dare Program.  As I chatted with office Groce, I briefly shared my own battle with addiction, I told him I would be glad to assist his program with my personal testimony.  He took my information saying that they are assembling a panel to share testimony with students.  Wow, thank you Father God, I pray that you will use me to witness to these young children.  Use me LORD.   Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

What a day, such a gamut of emotions!  Now home to have a nice dinner with my hubby, I just need a restful peaceful evening.  Not the case.   Rick got home late, he has consumed a few beers!  But that`s okay.  As we ate, I told him about my day.  Instead of the love and compassion that I needed, he acted in anger and frustration when I told him what happened with Joyce and I.  Great.  Now he`s yelling at me, back to the feeling of condemnation.   Satan, you mean you`re still hanging out with me?  Once again, uncontrollable tears....what a day I`m having. Tears, on top of more tears!   Romans 7:14-17  We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin.  I do not understand what I do.  For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.  And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good.  As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.

SOS, this time I texted my friend Suzanne, can you call me?  I`m in need of prayer!  Here I go again.  Between breath taking sobs I told her what was going on.  Can you please pray for me, I`ve prayed but I can`t stop crying. Sob sniff, sob sniff, sob.....sniff,sniff, sniff.  As she prayed, I felt the loving arm of Jesus holding me tight.  A sense of peace and comfort flooded my soul.  A vision of angels surrounded my existence.   Thank you, Father God.  Suzanne, prayed the exact words that I needed, thank you Holy Spirit!  2 Samuel 23:2  The Spirit of the LORD spoke through Suzanne; his word was on Suzanne`s tongue....personalize that, hope God doesn`t mind!

As I laid my head down for I night, I prayed, God what is it that allows Satan to block me from your grace and mercy.  Please reveal the power, I still relinquish to him.  "It`s his lie, your identity is in Jesus, not merely your family of origin." Really, God?  In the name of Jesus, I renounce the lie that Satan can control my thoughts and emotions.   I reclaim any authority that I have given to him.  In the name of Christ Jesus....I will no longer tolerate or listen to Satan's lies, your truth will set me free. Amen.....Good night Father God, did I pass this test today?

John 3:3  In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.  John 3:5-8 Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.  Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.  You should not be surprised at my saying, "You must be born again  The wind blows wherever it please.  You hear its sounds, but you cannot tell where it come from or where it is going.  So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Jesus said in Acts1:8  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come on you; and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Please pray for my sister Joyce she has some huge health issues to over come.  LORD GOD, I thank you for my brothers and sister the family that you hand picked for me!  Philippian 3:13-14  Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do; forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in CHRIST JESUS.

Have a blessed Easter, have you received the gift that Jesus died for?  ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO LORD GOD ALMIGHTY......CHRIST IS RISEN!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kacie`s Story Day 409

Titus 2:3  Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.  They can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

I met 19 year old Kacie less than six months ago, but our relationship has recently soared to new heights thanks to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  Kacie works at Willis Chevrolet in Smyrna DE, which is one of the clients that I visit for Market Place Chaplains.  The first day that I met Kacie, I explained my job as her chaplain.  The Willis family provides my service free of charge for their employees, it is the employee`s choice to receive or decline our service.  As a chaplain, I am a care-giver who is available 24/7 to provide care, concern, compassion and hope to all employees and their families.  I  shared with Kacie that chaplains are available to make hospital visits perform weddings, or to perform funeral services if needed. I also told her that I would pray with and for her if she would like.

As the weeks and month quickly passed, Kacie was always willing and eager to chat with me.  We talked about her family, her plans for the future, her relationship with her boyfriend, her grandfather`s health issues and her relationship with God. Like many, Kacie confessed that she knows about God, but didn`t  really have an intimate relationship with him.  I suggested that perhaps we pray! Very often Kacie and I would join hands as I prayed on her behalf.

On one of my visits Kacie had a hand written list of questions that she wanted to ask me.  I was delighted!  I gave Kacie one of my favorite small wooden crosses, I encouraged her to hold on to it as a reminder that Father God is always willing and ready to chat. On another visit after we prayed, I gave her a cross bookmaker that hung from the book I was carrying.  Guess I forgot about the one I had already given her or maybe God just wanted her to have more than one reminder of his love.

It`s always a pleasure to see Kacie smiling face as I approach her work area at her cashiers station! Between customers we squeeze in as much God-time as possible.  "I haven`t seen you since I had my accident! What happened?  Where you hurt?  She continued, remember that snow storm a few weeks ago, I totaled my car on the way to work.   Before leaving for work my mom called me and warned me not to take Honeysuckle Road, it`s too winding and twisty, stay on the main road! Then totally out of character, my boyfriend texted me suggesting that I take the main road and avoid Honeysuckle Rd.

  However, I ignored two warnings and traveled on Honeysuckle Rd.  My car slid off the road as I lost control.   In the agony and fear of the moment the only words out of my mouth were "O GOD."   Buckled in, my car rolled four times, somehow avoiding the trees that lined the slippery road.   Finally, the car  stopped resting on it`s side, drivers door down in the dirt. Shorty, two men came to my rescue, helping me to climb out of my vehicle.  Somehow, I escaped with only a tiny scratch on my hand. The two crosses that you gave me where in my car!"

Wow, God!  Tears flowed from both of us and I was covered from head to toe with Holy Spirit goosebumps as Kacie told her incredible God-story!  A hug of love and friendship was followed by prayer and praise to Father God!

I asked Kacie`s permission to share this story, as we texted back and forth with needed information, she texted; "thank you for praying with and for me, you are always the one person I can count on to improve things in my life that I feel  are heading down hill.  I really appreciate it.  God has truly made an entrance into my life that I needed.  I am fine with you sharing this story  and spreading the Word.  Thank you for always keeping my troubles in your prayers.  I will be sure to pass my prayer to someone just as you have done with me!" 

Kacie you are welcome, I am so blessed to be used by Father God to connect you to his unconditional love for you. "O GOD, YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OF US IS AMAZING, THANK YOU."

Matthew 5:16  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.